Lipedema Diet DON’TS: Forgo These Foods
to Help Manage Symptoms
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Lipedema is a life-long, chronic condition that, luckily, can be managed and mitigated by making mindful lifestyle choices.
Wholesome, nutritious diet rich in fresh fruits, crisp veggies, whole grains, heart-healthy fats, and lean proteins, like skinless chicken and fatty fish, is the key to attaining and sustaining a strong, healthy body – especially for those living with lipedema. Seems easy enough, right? Because lipedema is triggered by inflammation within the body, making consistent, healthy food choices is markedly imperative for those trying to mitigate the painful symptoms of lipedema. Diet is one of those lifestyle factors that can have a serious impact on your lipedema’s progression and management. Here is a compilation of foods to forego in the fight against the fat accumulation disorder.
RAD – Rare Adipose Disorder Diet
Like the cult-favorite Mediterranean Diet that is based on consuming low-carb fare, but with emphasis on low glycemic index to avoid inflammation that can lead to swelling and soreness, RAD focuses on the complete avoidance of added sugars, processed/packaged provisions, most dairy, salty snacks, gluten-laden, refined grains, and chemically modified fats. While plant-based, no sugar added yogurt and kefir are recommended, including raw nuts/nut butter and omega-rich fish, you’ll want to pass on the pizza, baked goods, breads, booze – and even beef. Here is a quick list of the no-go groceries to ditch during your next shopping trip:
- Beef and other red meat, pork, ham, and bacon
- Milk, cheese, butter, ice cream
- Simple carbs/white flour foods, like white potatoes and white rice (opt for brown rice and sweet potatoes instead)
- Wheat, farina (opt for a bowl of all-natural, comforting oatmeal for breakfast instead)
- Most cold cereals (read nutrition labels for sugar and carb content)
- Margarine, mayo
- Fried food, fast food
- Chips, salted nuts, processed/packaged portable snacks
- Candy (gummy bears, gum, cookies, cakes, chocolate, pastries, pies, etc.)
While RAD aims to focus on the consumption of fatty fish, nuts/seeds, beans, fresh fruits, fiber-rich, crunchy veggies, coconut oil, and other plant-based choices, look for these ingredients proven to quell the swell:
Selenium – Boosts metabolism and supports optimal thyroid function, while preventing inflammation of the tissues that lead to swelling, soreness, and skin that’s tender-to-the-touch. Look for this skin-saver in satiating brazil nuts. Just two brazil nuts a day can keep the doctor away.
Vitamin D3 – Supports immune function and is excellent for bone, muscle, and nerve health. Most plant-based milk beverages are fortified with this virtuous vitamin, including snack-friendly sardines.
Diosmin – A bioflavonoid extracted from citrus fruits that has been shown to have the most positive effect on vein and lymphatic issues. Just one cup of citrusy fruit or a small banana a day is recommended to get your daily dose of diosmin.
In case of a snacks-ident…
Of course, there will be days when your diet gets derailed. We’re all human and it happens to best of us. Even the most competitive, body-conscious athletes fall off the nutrition wagon every now and again. The important thing to remember is it’s just one bad day and there is always tomorrow. One cheat meal on your birthday or Thanksgiving feast isn’t going to undo all your hard work. Simply detox your system by drinking lots of lemon-infused water, move your body, and sleep it off. Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to take control of your condition.
To learn more, please contact our Beverly Hills, California office to schedule a consultation with any of our highly trained specialists.