
Lipedema Diet and Nutrition: Set Yourself Up
for Success with These Food Facts


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If you struggle with lipedema pain and inflammation, adhering to a regimented, anti-inflammatory diet and healthy lifestyle can help mitigate the physical misery associated with the fat deposition disorder.  Here are some fast facts on food, including which ones to pile onto your plate and which ones to forego.

While the only definitive way to effectively reverse lipedema and its physically, emotionally, and socially debilitating effects is through surgical intervention (such as the Manual Lipedema Extraction procedure), committing to a well-balanced, wholesome, and nutritional diet have been shown to have positive results – at least in the short term.  For the 11% of the female population who live with lipedema, surgical intervention may not always be a viable option, but there is help.  Whether you haven’t yet decided on a therapy or you’re experiencing the early stages of the disproportionate fat accumulation disorder, following a rigorous diet and solid nutritional plan, along with consistent physical activity, can have a major impact on mollifying the effects of lipedema and slowing its progression.

RAD:  What is It and Is it Right for You?
Because lipedema patients experience severe bouts of painful inflammation due to skin swelling, tenderness, and bruising, it’s imperative to adhere to a proven, anti-inflammatory diet that’s also protein-packed and low in sugar.  Interestingly, nutritional experts tout the vastly popular and highly successful diet of the Mediterranean lifestyle due to its superior, anti-inflammatory and low-glycemic benefits, hence the Mediterranean Diet has been widely embraced by the lipedema community.  Similarly, the RAD (Rare Adipose Disorder) diet highlights anti-inflammation, while avoiding refined sugars, simple carbohydrates, and processed/packaged provisions, respectively, with just a few noted modifications.  Essentially, the RAD diet wipes out anything “white” (potatoes, bread, pasta, rice) from your daily diet, while kicking candy, cakes, cookies, and other sweet stuff straight to the curb.  Additionally, a gluten-free/low-gluten diet is equally body-benefitting and particularly recommended as gluten is a known inflammatory culprit.  When introducing any new diet or embarking on a new, nutritional journey, always consult with your health care provider.

Pile on THIS, Pass on THAT
To keep things simple and succinct, we’ve compiled a go-to, cheat sheet highlighting nutritionally dense, all-time favorite foods to pile onto your plate:

  • Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel) rich in anti-inflammatory Omega-3’s
  • Load up on fresh, colorful, enzyme-enriched veggies that can be easily absorbed by the body, while helping to eliminate stagnant protein.  Highly pigmented veggies, like eggplant, purple yams, and sweet potatoes are great picks.  Eat the rainbow for a more diverse serving of antioxidants.
  • Get a taste of the sweet life with nature’s candy – fresh fruit!  Choose berries, bananas, and creamy, skin-saving avocados.
  • Go nuts for raw, unsalted, unroasted seeds, almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts.
  • Oil aboard!  Drizzle salads with extra virgin olive oil and get cooking with coconut, flaxseed, and other nut oils.
  • Guzzle 8-10 tall glasses of hydrating, healthy H2O on the daily.
  • Sip on unsweetened green (preferably decaffeinated) and herbal teas for a refreshing respite from water.

Pass on these Lipedema-unfriendly foods:

  • Grass-fed, organic beef, bacon, cold cuts, cured meats
  • Canned veggies, corn, white potatoes
  • Canned and dried fruit
  • Roasted and salted seeds, nuts, nut butters
  • Margarine, hydrogenated fats
  • Out-of-the-box breakfast cereals
  • White breads, pasta, rice, biscuits
  • Pizza
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, maple sugar, honey, stevia, agave
  • Nutritional/energy bars
  • Fruit juices, “energy” drinks

Due to their higher sugar and salt content, treat yourself to the following foods occasionally and sparingly:

  • Free-range chicken, seafood
  • Melon, kiwi, grape, pineapple, peaches, plums, apples, and apricots
  • Buckwheat, millet, chickpea, oats, cornmeal, wild rice
  • Organic, grass-fed cow’s milk/cheese
  • DIY smoothies, spirits, wine, and other alcoholic infusions
  • Dark (70%) chocolate
  • Soy products

In short, sticking to a well-balanced, wholesome, and healthy diet, while consciously limiting sugar and salt/sodium intake and avoiding processed, packaged products will help make a positive difference in your lipedema’s pain management.  By following the guidelines of the RAD diet, most lipedema patients have reported significant success in relation to increased energy levels; less pain, skin swelling, and inflammation; reduced weight gain/stage progression; an improved sense of overall well-being; and a positive, mental outlook.  After all, foods should not only be wholly enjoyable, but medicinal and nourishing, promoting health, healing, and harmony.

Bon Appetit!

To learn more, please contact our Beverly Hills, California office to schedule a consultation with any of our highly trained specialists.