
Lipedema Diagnosis
in Beverly Hills, CA

Diagnosing Lipedema involves taking a medical history and performing a physical examination of the affected individual. As the field lacks a diagnostic test, it is important to see an experienced, board-certified physician who specialized in Lipedema.



  • In-depth assessment of medical, surgical, social, and family history, medications, supplements, allergies, diet, and exercise.
  • These data help support the diagnoses of lipedema, Dercum’s disease, familial multiple lipomatosis, and/or multiple symmetric lipomatosis.
  • These data can also help uncover additional diagnoses that affect connective tissue diseases including mast cell activation disease, hypermobile joint syndrome, lymphedema, other types of obesity, fibromyalgia, and autonomic dysfunction including postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS).



  • Palpation of tissue (wear comfortable clothes that are easy to take off and put back on).
  • Anthropometric measurements in addition to body mass index (BMI).
  • Thermography to visualize the veins, dilated microvessels, hypothermic and hyperthermic areas as needed (bring your compression but leave it off for this visit).

Helping patients worldwide live pain-free!  Patients travel from all over the U.S. and abroad to receive care from Total Lipedema’s team of leading experts who are known for offering the most advanced and effective Lipedema treatments.